Why You Should Have A Waste Plastic To Fuel Plant

For people who have money to invest, there’s every incentive for them to look for a plastic to fuel machine for sale.

You might think that the world will never be able to wean itself from the use of gasoline and other petroleum products, however, there is a growing movement that takes landfills and landfills of plastic garbage and burns them to the point where all that remains is clean and reusable fuel.

Plastic to Fuel Machine
Plastic to Fuel Machine

The good thing about it is that a plastic to diesel machine is not at all hard to get by. There are businesses around the world that are making this type of equipment. The most notable ones are in London and China, although it’s not far-fetched to imagine that there are companies that are based in the United States.

The technology behind turning plastic-to-fuel conversion really isn’t complicated. Plastic waste is shredded and then melted process called waste pyrolysis plant. The burning chamber is free of oxygen and burns the plastic at temperatures of 400 degrees Celsius. When the plastic boils, it turns into gas fuel, which is then distilled and filtered.

How clean is the gas produced in the process? Very clean. This is because it takes place inside a vacuum where plastic is not burned, but melted. If you’ve ever burned plastic, you already know how to toxic the gas can be. But with converting waste plastic into diesel, you don’t burn anything.

The market for converting plastic to reusable fuel is still in its early stages, and there is a lot of room for growth. As it is right now, only a small fraction plastic waste being generated around the world is recycled. The numbers are rather depressing only eight percent in the United States and only fifteen percent  in Western Europe.  The number is much, much less in less developed countries in the world, where waste management is a big problem.

Pyrolysis Plant to Nigeria
Pyrolysis Plant to Nigeria

You can imagine the urgency of using plastic-to-fuel conversion technology. Every year, over 500 pounds of fresh plastic is produced every year. Of that, 33% is for one-time use only. Also, not all plastic is thrown into the landfills. As a matter of fact, four-fifths of the garbage found in the oceans is made of plastic. If that doesn’t sound alarming to you, we don’t know what will.

People who are using pyrolysis are able to produce fuel that they can sell to others. We looked at the website of waste recycling equipment manufacturers and found a testimonial where the fuel yield rate is 43%. There are many pyrolysis equipment manufacturer in China, and you should get in touch with them if you’re serious about helping the the planet breathe again and be free of plastic waste.